

允许一个容易的, 快速, 顺利的入住过程, we encourage students to pack light and lean and only bring the necessities. Packing light is also beneficial in the unfortunate event that the state of Illinois would ask students to return home in the middle of the semester and need to finish the semester remotely. We are excited to have an excellent year of being in community and living and learning together.

We recommend discussing with your roommate(s) what each of you will bring to your shared living space. If you choose to bring valuable items (jewelry, computers, etc.) be aware that you bring these items at your own risk; North Park University is not responsible for the possible damage, 损失, 或者盗窃这些物品.



  • ATM /借记卡
  • 社会保障卡
  • 保险卡复印件
  • 手机和充电器
  • 粉丝
  • Multiple outlet power strip with surge protector
  • 三脚延长线
  • 废纸篓
  • White plastic adhesive or 3M brand hooks (no nails or tape may be used in residence hall rooms)
  • 有用的存储或整理器
  • 处方和补药
  • 迷你急救箱
  • 毯子和枕头
  • Sheets and mattress pad: All campus housing has extra-long twin mattresses
  • 毛巾和毛巾
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and f损失
  • 肥皂和沐浴露
  • 淋浴包和淋浴凉鞋
  • Hairbrush, hair dryer, flat iron, and comb
  • 衣架
  • 洗衣篮及洗涤剂
  • 干燥器表
  • Cleaning supplies and disinfectant
  • 消毒湿巾
  • 纸巾
  • 空气清新剂
  • Plate, bowl, silverware, coffee mug (microwave safe)


  • 钢笔、铅笔和荧光笔
  • 索引卡
  • 便签
  • 剪刀和胶带
  • 订书机和订书机
  • 计算器
  • 电脑
  • 笔记本电脑充电器
  • 文件夹和活页夹
  • 日历和日程计划
  • Desk supplies (sticky notes, pens, pencils, scissors, ruler, stapler, markers, etc.)


  • 冬天的外套
  • 帽子,围巾和手套
  • 靴子
  • 雨衣
  • 泳衣
  • 沙滩毛巾


  • Refrigerator that does not exceed four cubic feet in size
  • Bicycle and secure lock (“U” locks recommended)
  • 草坪上的椅子
  • 电视
  • 游戏控制台
  • 工具包
  • 房间的装饰
  • 为你的门准备一块干擦板
  • 闹钟
  • 小型真空或手动真空
  • 镜子
  • 地毯
  • 手电筒


  • 空调
  • Hot plate or toaster (no open coils)
  • 微波
  • 空间加热器
  • Animals/pets (only small fish allowed)
  • 蜡烛或熏香
  • 卤素灯
  • 高强度灯泡
  • Five-light floor lamp with colored shades
  • 带粘合剂的LED灯条
  • 无人机
  • Hoverboards or electric scooters
  • 真正的, 玩, 模仿, or decorative weapons (including paintball guns, 软弹气枪枪支, 和水球发射器)


North Park University does not offer storage for belongings over the summer. Please bring only what will fit in your housing assignment during the academic year. You may not leave anything in your room, 公寓, 或者退房以外的房子, even if you are returning to the same location next fall, unless you will live in summer housing. This includes but is not limited to bikes, 沙发, 餐桌, 电子产品, 小家电, 和服装.

To help defray the cost, some residents elect to share a storage unit. You are encouraged to speak with your friends and roommates to find others to potentially share storage.

校外存储, 租赁可以按月进行, some businesses will pick up items in spring and deliver them back to you in the fall, and/or provide you with the packing materials.

This list is for informational purposes only—no endorsement is offered, nor liability assumed by North Park.







这不是一个详尽的清单, and you are encouraged to do your own research to determine what facility best meets your needs.

Per the Housing Contract Agreement and Terms, any personal property which remains on the premises for more than ten (10) days following termination of occupancy shall be deemed abandoned, and the University shall be entitled to retain or dispose of such property.

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